Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spellbinders .. or weird little metal things!

Well I've taken another giant leap!  I have purchased (and learned to use) spellbinders with my cuttlebug!! 

Let's begin this story in the Hobby Lobby where I met my sister (my personal shopper) with our 2  girls in tow (4 and 7 - a story in and of itself!).  While wandering the aisles in what has become Nirvana to me we happen upon spellbinders and she wants to check out whats on sale.  Intrigued, I take a look at the sale basket and decide to purchase a "set" (is that what you call it lol) for the 8.99 clearance price. 

My sister informs me that I can use these in the cuttlebug, but that I must use a mat to make up the space difference and she suggest I buy a "plumbers gasket" from Home Depot - okay....

Well, long story short I took my new spellbinders, plumbers gasket and cuttlebug and started die cutting/embossing!  Many tries later I have successfully learned to die cut with the spellbinders - using the ABC (A plate, B plate, die cut and paper and C plate).  My many attempts to emboss the cut piece end in dismal failures...

So onto YouTube!  I learn may different techniques and successfully emoboss a die cut!!!!  The method that appears to work the best with my materials is to use an A plate, B plate, spellbinder facing up with the die cut on top, gasket, 3 pieces of cardstock and a B plate.  Voila!  It works perfectly - looks just like I purchased embossed cut outs. 

The possibilities are endless - I'm so glad I took a jump into spellbinders and took a walk down the plumbing aisle!